Assisting during worship
There are multiple ways to participate in worship at St. Timothy's. Some roles are very involved while others are easier to pick up. However, all are done in honor of the Lord.
If you would like to get involved in any of these roles, please register your interest by emailing the Church Office and you'll be put in touch with a lay leader overseeing the ministry of interest.
Altar team
Members of the Altar Team assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion. Other responsibilities include reading the Bible and leading intercessory prayers during public worship .
Lecters, or 'Readers,' are members of the congregation who volunteer to read the Old Testament and/or New Testament readings during public worship.
Our Vergers are those specially selected to act as a 'Master of Ceremonies' during public worship. Along with the Priest the Verger is responsible for keeping order and directing others assisting with worship.
Typically, those selected to be Vergers have previously served in another ministry area prior to this role.